It's important to maintain excellent oral hygiene while having orthodontic treatment.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums. Healthy teeth not only enable you to look and feel good, they make it possible to eat and speak properly. Good oral health is important to your overall wellbeing.
Failure to keep teeth clean may result in:
These same problems occur without orthodontic treatment, but the risk is even greater when orthodontic appliances are worn because plaque and food debris can build up more readily around areas of contact with the braces.
Here are a few general pointers about brushing:
Many brands of toothpaste are on display in pharmacies and supermarkets making choosing toothpaste difficult.
In truth, any toothpaste containing fluoride is good for you, whether it be stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride or monofluoride phosphate.
A wide range of mouthwashes is available in pharmacies and supermarkets and they are very useful in killing the bacteria that form in plaque.
Tooth Mousse is a new product that replenishes the minerals and nutrients in the tooth enamel, especially after tooth whitening treatments. It contains recaldent, a protein that is extracted from milk that supplies calcium and phosphate ions for the tooth surface.